Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!

I look forward to 2008 and all that is in store. I took this photo this morning...the light has dawned.


The Barretts said...

Happy New Year, Barry! What a beautiful picture.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Barry..remember me?! (Kristi...was Bredin)...I had been on Jamin and Sarah's site, and saw you commented, so thought I'd stop by and say Hello...what are you up to these days?!...hope all is well -- beautiful pic on your post!! Happy New Year!! Hope you come to the Island again would be fun to see you again!!

The McKnights said...

Thanks for the Christmas card, we really enjoyed hearing all about your adventures. Maybe next year you can "re-use" the card cause the date will still be right!!!!!
We love you man!