Thursday, July 05, 2007

Kakwa Falls

So, me and my sister's family drove out to Kakwa Falls. No easy task. You CANNOT drive out there without a 4x4. I was thinking of taking Doris (my Ford Taurus)...but its a good thing I didn't take her. Its only 190 kms but it took us 4 hours to drive. Definitely 4x4 country. Had to cross 22 creeks. Some very small ones...but some were a couple feet deep. Kakwa falls is beautiful! You can actually walk behind the falls. Unfortunately we couldn't, but next time I go I want to. Sometimes you have to work hard to see beauty. We saw a bear on the way. Also some other wildlife including a LYNX. Incredible!
Some of the views along the way.

Alberta rose. Alberta's flower.
One of the streams we had to cross or drive through.
Doesn't this all make you want to come and visit Grande Prairie!

1 comment:

The Barretts said...

Yes, it does make me want to come visit! Although, I'm scared of bears!!
