Tuesday, May 15, 2007


So I was helping weed the garden at the people's place I'm staying at and we found carrots that overwintered. I was amazed that they didn't freeze. The green shoots show that they were trying to grow again. They were crunchy and very sweet too. (Carrots are the sweetest after the first or second frost. The carbohydrates turn to sugar. Same thing with corn.) Harvesting carrots in MAY! AMAZING!


Bill Burton said...

What do you mean by "the broken church in North America"?

Not every priests hurts little boys, and some churches in the U.S. provide food, help, and comfort to people who are in need.

I wish more rich people would help more poor people in the U.S.

I was going to move to Calgary in 2005, but changed my mind because I was afraid of the cold.

Now I wish that I had moved to Calgary because I lost my job and developed severe depression so I can't work... living on retirement savings until that runs out.

The Barretts said...

That's pretty cool!